Sure, it’s a point-and-click action-RPG in the traditional mode, but it knows how to tap into everything that makes these types of games fun to play. Torchlight II is one of those games that may not be innovative on the whole, but that just gets so many of the little things right. It’s incredibly polished, and everything just feels like it’s in the right place when you’re playing. Simply put, Torchlight II is a phenomenal game. Difficulty scales to present an even greater challenge and loot is instanced for each player.

Torchlight II a game in style of action, which also includes elements of RPG genre. Randomized areas keep playthroughs fresh and ensure high replayability. Download Torchlight II pc torrent for free. Discover a wealth of loot - weapons, armor, potions and more - and equip powerful gear sets and unique and legendary items.Further customize your character to fit your playstyle with different skills, stats and classless spells. Choose from 4 powerful classes - Engineer, Outlander, Berserker and Embermage.

Each act takes place in a unique region with its own hub town.